Tuesday, March 3, 2009

In Our Own Backyard..

Me and my friends Nanci and Liz are always meeting people from all over the world and country that come to Southern Utah to see its beauty. Last week we met a couple from Fiji that was here to visit Zions National Park and we realized that people that come from gorgeous places themselves are coming to see our "backyard". So us girls decided to take advantage of our close proximity (45 min) to the park and had an amazing "girls day out". I had been to Zions alot but this trip was really fun. We hiked Emerald Pools, Weeping Rock and the short trail right before you hike The Narrows. We also took sandwiches and had a picnic on the grass in front of the Zions Lodge.

Nanci, Liz, Me

Love these girls

This place is just breathtaking. Pictures do not do it justice.

We ran into this cute little squirrel along the way.. and I swear he posed for this pic. Nancy fed him the cookie and then.....

they fell in love. She named him "Theodore" (after the chubby chipmunk from Alvin & the Chipmunks) and seriously did not want to leave him. We had to make her keep walking. It was funny cuz she is originally from Arizona and I don't think she is used to seeing little critters like this. Afterwards she said she felt like Steve Irwin because she got to be so close to the little guy.

This is Nanci afterwards when she saw this sign. Oops! Hopefully little Theodore didn't die or get sick from the aspertame in those cookies!!

Here are also some pics from my birthday.. thanks to everyone who called or commented and wished me happy birthday.. it really lifted my spirits since I am now officially

Carli made me this darling apron for my birthday. Thanks Car.. love it!


Katie McCaul said...

You are so cute! I know people from other states that I meet ask if i have been certain places and of course I have no clue where they are even talking about! I need to get out more. HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY:)

Peacock Family said...

love the pics steph.. and the pic with the squirrel is too funny.. glad to see things are going well for you. miss ya tons!!! luv ya

Anonymous said...

Hey girl! Happy late b-day! That squirrel was so adorable. That trip sounded like fun. A lot of people in Utah don't experience it's beauty. So how are things going. Why don't you email me or call me. I would love to get to see you sometime. I have always though of you often and have been disappointed that we have stayed in contact. Here's my information-tiamo_stac@yahoo.com or 435-890-0959. I love ya girl!

Curren and Marcee said...

Hey, looks like a fun day! I am so happy that it is finally getting warm enough to enjoy being outside! Love the apron from Carli too, I have noticed them around town and think they are so fun!